CCR Question #3-How were my production abilities developed throughout this project?
I've decided that I want to do the same thing for all my blog posts about my CCR questions so in this blog post Im going to give my answer to this question based off of my movie opening, this IS NOT my script for the CCR question but a lot of what I say in this blog post will defenitley be incooroperated in my CCR video for this question.
At first I wasn't AT ALL familiar with how to do a full movie opening at the start of the project but as I kept going, my storytelling, editing, and filming got better in my opinion, (Considering the fact that I revised my movie opening plan and changed up how Im going to make my movie opening throught the process of making my movie opening at least 15 times). I used to care only about what angles were used all the time for most horror films but after a while I started thinking about what angles I need in MY film and how they match with MY film, I also started taking lighting into consideration for my movie opening and how the lighting can make my scenes seem different. For example, I learned that applying high angles makes a character look weaker so I did that on purpose to make the main character look scared and vulnerable.

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