Group Meeting Summary-
In this blog pot I will be talking about the group meeting that I had today in class. In todays group meeting everyone discussed all about our projects, we showed each other a little bit of our projects, and we discussed about our ccr videos and what we plan to do for the ccr. Participating in this group meeting was so relieving because I managed to get a lot of info from people from other groups, and now I have good ideas of how other people think about their projects and what their process is/was for creating these projects. Listening to everyone talk in the group meetings was actually really intriguing because everyone just has all these different ideas and it made me think from many different perspectives. The main thing that I liked about this group meeting is that I got a ton of info and ideas for the ccr video, to be honest, I was stressing out like CRAZY about those ccr videos just because making a 5-6 minute script for four different videos sounds so hard, however, because of this meeting I managed to hear what everyone was doing for their ccr which gave me some idea on how I want to make it, and where I want to make it, all that is left for me to do now is to make my scripts for all 4 ccr's and everything else will just go by quickly since I know how I want to make my ccr's. I definitely wouldn't be able to come up with these ideas within one class period if it wasn't for this group meeting.
This is a picture of my group and I after we discussed everything that we had to discuss. (My teacher took this photo for us. Also, I'm the one in the red hoodie in the bottom left corner.)
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