Thursday, February 27, 2025

Movie Opening Blog Post #15

How to create specific effect

In this blog post I will be talking all about how to create the most important effect in my movie opening since this effect is going to be what really even creates my movie opening.

The Double me effect. I'm going to be talking about how im going to make a doppleganger version of myself using a tripod, a phone, a mirror, and premier pro. 

At first, what im going to do is im going to setup my tripod and place my phone there, im going to make sure that the camera doesn't move at all because if it does move, even in the slightest, it will ruin the whole thing and I won't be able to make the effect of a "double me." After I setup my tripod and my camera I'm going to film 2 different clips, one of the real me doing normal things, and one of the doppleganger version of me in the mirror doing weird, creepy things. I'm going to film myself doing something normal 3 times and I'm going to record myself 3 times doing something simply just weird in the mirror, which is my "double self." 

After all this, I will import my favorite out of the 3 NORMAL shots of myself that I took into premier pro,  Im going to select this free draw tool that is going to help me outline the part of the video that I want to remove and keep. Once I use this free draw tool that is going to KEEP my normal, non-mirror, version of myself in the video. After this im going to have an empty space right where the mirror is supposed to be, AND where im going to put my mirrored, double version. Before I can add the other mirrored doppleganger version im going to feather the clip of my normal self so that when I add the mirrored version there won't be any visible shadow lines or crop markings that show that the movie opening is fake and filled with obvious edits. After, I'm going to drag the mirror part right over the clip that has the empty space so the the mirrored, creepy part can marge with the normal part and it will have the effect that both "me's" are doing different things.

Here's a Youtube Video Link To make It Easier To Explain-

This is the exact section that contains the pen tool that is being used-

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Movie Opening Blog Post #23

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