1. Scream (1996) - The opening of Scream is really scary but at the same time very uncomplicated. It starts off with only the sound of the ringing of the phone which is not scary at all then this creepy music kicks in and one knows that something horrible is going to happen. Next thing the name of the film flashes in big white letters and then the screen just flashes red. It looks to make it so much more intense, everything looks and sounds so nervous even before the first scene begins it is a great way to let the audience know that they are going to watch a scary movie.
2. Halloween (1978) - Halloween has one of the most famous horror movie openings ever
It just focuses on one glowing jack lantern for the entire time with the camera continuously zooming in closer and closer, the pumpkin is super creepy since the light inside it makes its face distorted in every direction cause of the flickers but the thing that actually makes it scary is the music, it makes you feel pretty nervous. Nothing bad happens during the credits but everything just seems and sounds so creepy that you just can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen. but it is pretty smart to get the audience scared before the movie has even started.
3. The Conjuring, 2013: This opening is more different than a lot of the other horror film because of the realism that they tried in the conjuring, they started with showing some black and white pictures of very old haunted things.
In the background some creepy music is playing and the words explain that this movie is about real paranormal investigators who study ghosts which is even scarier because it seems that it could have really happened. The words on the screen look kind of old and serious like an old newspaper or something from a history book which all makes it seem even more real, its the way that everything is put together that makes you feel like you're about to watch something terrifying.
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