Camera Shots Quiz
For this assignment, we were basically just told to tell a story in 15 shots and to convey the idea and tone of the story.
At first I wanted to make 15 shots about a water bottle and a man but then realized that I'm not able to use human characters so I switched it up a little and lemon juice and a water bottle as my characters for my 15 shots.
In all honesty I think that the way that my shots were made and the types of shots, angles, etc, managed to show the emotions that I wanted to convey really good, which I was really happy with. Even though I made a 15 shot story with lemon juice and a water bottle it really did manage to have emotion shown in the story because of the way the pictures were taken.. It showed relationships, and tension within the story. My favorite shot out of anything was the over the shoulder shot because it showed tension within the story and it also gave a perspective of how everything was shown. I really do think that i could have done better with some of the shots for example my medium shots were not that good quality and they didnt really show the emotion that I wanted and especially not the type of emotion and tension shown in the long shots, extreme long shots and close up shots which i really could have done better on but that's definitely something that i will look at for doing next time